CS63-RE02 :: Study Of Crop Land Affected By Biomass Burning In Chiang Rai From 2018 To 2023 with Google Earth’s Dynamic World


Thailand faces critical air quality challenges due to extensive burning practices for agricultural waste and forest clearing, leading to hazardous PM2.5 levels. These traditional agricultural activities, primarily driven by poverty among farmers and the demand for agricultural products, significantly contribute to the country's ongoing air pollution crisis. This study investigates the temporal changes and spatial extent of crop land affected by biomass burning in Chiang Rai, Thailand, leveraging Google Earth Engine's Dynamic World dataset.
tools & techniques
Datasets: Google Earth Dynamic World (Land use - Land cover) 2015 - 2018, NASA VIIRS fire spots 2015 - 2018, FAO Global Administrative Unit Layers 2015 Python libraries: pandas, geopandas, shapely, Folium, gee (Google Earth Engine)
รหัสนักศึกษา 60130500239
Tuul Triyason
Chonlameth Arpnikanondt