IT64-BU39 :: Capstone Project Score Management (CPSM)

ระบบบันทึกคะแนนวิชา Capstone Project

Capstone Project Score Management (CPSM) is a utility web application for committees to manage and evaluate students’ capstone project scores. This web application will have comprehensive features for managing scores and reporting students’ capstone project scores.
tools & techniques
Frontend - Vue.js - TailwindCSS - Sass - Axios - JavaScript - Node.js Backend - Java - Spring Boot Database - MySQL Server Infrastructure - SIT VM - Ubuntu Server - Nginx - Docker - Docker Compose Development Tool - GitHub (w/ GitHub Desktop and Git) - VS Code - IntelliJ IDEA - MySQL Workbench - Postman - Swagger (OpenAPI) - Figma Project Management - Microsoft Teams - Trello
นายชาญ ทองเจิม
รหัสนักศึกษา 63130500019
Sunisa Sathapornvajana